Neutralizers And Ph Treatment
Neutralizers are used to balance the pH levels in well water. Having a low pH means your water is acidic. Having a high pH means your water is considered “base” or alkaline.
A pH reading of 7 means your water is “neutral” i.e., non-acidic, but also non alkaline. The lower your pH reading from a 7, the more acidic your water is. Acidic water corrodes any metal it encounters, destroying plumbing, household appliances, hot water heaters, bathroom fixtures and faucets, as well as stripping plastic plumbing and depositing micro plastics into your water supply. Micro plastics are a dangerous carcinogen, and when they are combined with consumption of water with a low pH, the results can be quite dangerous.
When your bodies internal pH becomes unbalanced or low, it creates an environment where diseases like cancer, thrive. Conversely, if your bodies internal pH is balanced or alkaline, it creates an environment where diseases and viruses are unable to live. Balancing your homes pH not only protects the plumbing & appliances, but it protects your health most importantly. To achieve a balanced pH, we use a Clack brand neutralizer which distributes a natural mineral called Calcite into the water which raises the pH level to a neutral 7.
As always, every form of treatment we install achieves its goals using natural means, and the calcite used by the neutralizer is no different, balancing your waters pH, removing acidity, protecting your home, and giving you the peace of mind that your water is clean, healthy, and safe for consumption
When you’re looking for the best neutralizer and pH services in Dover, DE, trust our experts at Martin’s Water Treatment to give you the services you need. From rebedding to installation, we can help you with many different services. We also offer yearly maintenance to help keep your water systems working as they should be.
Rebedding and Inspection Services
At Martin’s Water Treatment, we can help maintain your water system with our rebedding and inspection services.
Rebedding Neutralizers
Typically, when you hire us to rebed your water system you’re not receiving great water pressure or the resin in your system isn’t as effective as it once was. Either way, these are both signs that it’s time to rebed the neutralizers. When you work with us to rebed your neutralizers, you can trust that you’re getting a high-quality service at an affordable price. We also guarantee that we’ll get the job done the first time around.
Checking Neutralizers
We can also check your neutralizers to make sure everything is in proper working order. Over time, neutralizers require care, just like any other appliance. You must have your neutralizers checked because they can corrode a building’s foundation, drainage systems, and floor.
Neutralizer and pH Maintenance
In addition to our rebedding and inspection services, we offer regular neutralizer and pH maintenance to make sure your water system is always in the best shape that it can be. Professional maintenance can help prevent serious issues down the road for all water systems. Work with us at Martin’s Water Treatment to give your water system yearly maintenance. We’ll be able to pinpoint areas before they become an issue so that we can fix them before something devastating happens to your neutralizers or pH levels.
We also offer professional installations of neutralizers and pH treatment. Whether you’re getting a new water system or just need to replace an old, inefficient part, trust us to properly install it. Our experts are skilled with installations and will make sure your installation goes smoothly.
Get Water Neutralizers and pH Treatment Today
If you’re ready to hire us for our neutralizer and pH treatment services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Whether you need your system checked, a new part installed, or want to schedule regular yearly maintenance, we’re the company for the job. We can also help you with several other services, including UV lights, sulfur treatments, carbon systems, chlorine removal systems, drywells, and more. With a service area throughout Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, we’re here for all your water treatment needs. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a time for us to come out to your home!